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Cataloxy Yonkers...Companies in YonkersChemicals, Pharmaceuticals & PlasticsHealth, medical and pharmaceuticalHealth services, specialisedVA Home Health Care Westchester

VA Home Health Care Westchester, Yonkers

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With help from 3rd party VA Accredited Benefits Agents, we help our applicants get additional funding to pay for home care services, the VA Benefit is called “Aid and Attendance”.

With help from 3rd party VA Accredited Benefits Agents, we help our applicants get additional funding to pay for home care services, the VA Benefit is called “Aid and Attendance”. We do not charge the Veteran or their family a penny to assist them. We are one of the only home care agencies in this area that is associated with an expedited process to provide this no fees service. The VA benefit can provide up to $2, 365 per month to Veterans and their spouses who need non-medical care/assistance to help them with activities of daily living in their home or chosen place of residence.

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 Address: 45 Verona Ave
10710, Yonkers, New York
Opening hours:
Mon — Sun:from 10:00 AM to 10:00 AM, no break
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home health care service, home health care for veterans, veterans home care, home health aide care, home health aide agency, home aide for veterans, home health aide services for veterans, veterans home attendant agency, veterans home health assistant
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